How to print just the notes on an Libreoffice Impress presentation

If you are here you found there is no easy way to print just the notes, without any slides, full or thumbnail.

Here is a solution for those with linux available, or perl on windows, possibly cygwin.
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Military buildup not the way to get great

In 1991, the USSR fell, and Regan and the US military got credit for defeating the ‘evil empire’.  In the NY Times of Aug 1992, my father wrote a letter.
He was a life long defense contractor and an expert in Soviet and US military and US-Soviet relations.  In his short letter, he outlined the time line between the end of WW2 and the collapse.  The USSR fell because after the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, the Soviet military had first call on industrial production.
In short, moving, to a strategy of an offensive posture, lead to a stagnate economy and eventually bankrupted the USSR.
Mr Trump, we remind you those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it, and we don’t want you to take us with you. (readers can see the whole letter at – JLR letter to NY Times
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Rule by hypocracy: the republican way

Actually the proper term might be demagoguery, the constant repeating of statements based on a political philosophy without regard to facts,  which has now degenerated to a personality cult.  We see statements coming from Washington, and DT as to his landslide or knowing more then others, when in fact, he won by close to the smallest margin in history and lost by a significant popular vote.  Turn to Congress and ignoring of what might be significant treasonous acts, after spending millions to chase rumors and suppositions about Hillary, never proving anything;  Not acting on a legitimate nomination to the supreme court while not fixing issues with major legislation, claiming to replace it with something better, which we have yet to see, oh, coming in March (what year).    What do we see from the same gang, locally, the usual rant from various locals about how Democrats should give DT a chance, after 8 years of blocking Mr Obama, or even are now acting with treason.  Even a local who is trying with, what I believe is good, intent, Issac Mass, gets caught up in it, on one hand (the Eastern overlay zone), no survey is needed because he lives near and knows better (hum, heard that somewhere before) yet literally the next day, saying the library proposal provides too much community space, and a survey is needed.
I could go on, just read tomorrow’s news (or alt-news) —
About time to get back to ruling based on real, verifiable facts, and considered judgment.
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Just the Facts: Obit for Jay Forester

Late last year, a great man, most have never heard of, passed on. Unless you are an engineer you don’t know that Jay Forester, Prof at MIT, established the field of systems modeling.  Also called simulation, this is the mathematical methodology that underlies what we take for granted in weather prediction, including understanding climate change.  Starting with modeling chemical factories before they were built, this is far more important than seen at first glance.  Without these techniques, we get the outrageous statements we have seen in multitudes in the last election cycle.  It turns out that ‘common sense’ is a very poor predictor of the future, it takes a rigorous application of data using science and mathematics to really understand what policies lead to the best outcomes in the public sector.  His work can best be described in the terms ‘counter-intuitive’ and ‘unexpected consequences’.   It may be obvious that mathematical models are required to send a spaceship to the moon, not quite so to understand why some gun controls work and others don’t, why some types of police patrols are effective and other cause community upheaval.  Even more so, that the heavy handed lobbying of the NRA has limited our understanding of gun rules, by blocking research that produces the real numbers that are needed for such models.  Other claims that need addressing: tax reduction leads to job creation, and the social security system is bankrupt or will be soon.  The real message of this story is that understanding the models, that Dr Forester’s work led to, is critical to proper policies in today’s complex world and must be based on real numbers, not guessing.
In short, good governing is not rocket science, it is far harder and needs all the tools technology can offer.
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Graffiti has a place

Graffiti has a place

I was a bit dismayed when I saw the Montague Police has proposed to not only make unwanted graffiti more of a crime (isn’t it already?) but to require building owners to remove it and outlaw spray paint. Unwanted defacement is one thing, but to restrict what a building owner can allow is going way too far, especially since Turners Falls for one, had made a major comeback by promoting public art via the River Culture project. Consider, if you will, the Mission District of San Francisco, one I know fairly well due to family living there. We spent the last three weeks wandering the side streets and alleys amidst the hundreds of stunning murals. This public display of art is what happens when you support “graffiti” artists to be more than spray and hide. When allowed on private property with owner’s permission, it reduces unsightly and unwanted graffiti, and even reduces police work. One group has taken it so far as to arrange for licensing of the artist’s work, to provide a source of income for budding artists. Look up “Balmy Alley” or “The Precita Eyes Muralists” (at SO I urge you in Montague to vote against this ban, and support River Culture and your Local Cultural Council for public art projects.

RICH ROTH Greenfield

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A real economicst’s views on dealing with the US Economy

How about creating jobs? By STEPHANIE KELTON

Look, up in the sky! It’s a “fiscal cliff.” It’s a slope. It’s an obstacle course.

The truth is, it doesn’t really matter what we call it. It only matters what it is: a lamebrained package of economic depressants bearing down on a lame-duck Congress.

This hastily concocted mix of across-the-board spending cuts and tax increases for all was supposed to force Congress to get serious about dealing with our nation’s debt and deficit. The question everyone’s asking is this: On whose backs should we balance the federal budget? One side wants higher taxes; the other wants spending cuts. And while that debate rages, the right question is being ignored: Why are we worried about balancing the federal budget at all?

You read that right. We may strive to balance our work and leisure time and to eat a balanced diet. Our Constitution enshrines the principle of balance among our three branches of government. And when it comes to our personal finances, we know that the family checkbook must balance.

So when we hear that the federal government hasn’t balanced its books in more than a decade, it seems sensible to demand a return to that kind of balance in Washington as well. But that would actually be a huge mistake.

History tells the tale. The federal government has achieved fiscal balance (even surpluses) in just seven periods since 1776, bringing in enough revenue to cover all of its spending during 1817-21, 1823-36, 1852-57, 1867-73, 1880-93, 1920-30 and 1998-2001. We have also experienced six depressions. They began in 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893 and 1929.

Do you see the correlation? The one exception to this pattern occurred in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when the dot-com and housing bubbles fueled a consumption binge that delayed the harmful effects of the Clinton surpluses until the Great Recession of 2007-09.

Why does something that sounds like good economics — balancing the budget and paying down debt — end up harming the economy? The answers may surprise you.

Spending is the lifeblood of our economy. Without it, there would be no sales, and without sales, no profits and no reason for any private firm to produce anything for the marketplace. We tend to forget that one person’s spending becomes another person’s income. At its most basic level, macroeconomics teaches that spending creates income, income creates sales and sales create jobs.

And creating jobs is what we need to do. Until the fiscal cliff distracted us, we all understood that. Today, we have roughly 3.4 people competing for every available job in America. The unemployment rate is like a macroeconomic thermometer — when it registers a high rate, it’s an indication that the deficit is too small.

So in our current circumstance — a growing but fragile economy — policymakers are wrong to focus on the fact that there is a deficit. It’s just a symptom. Instituting tax increases and spending cuts will pull the rug out from under consumers, thereby disrupting the income-sales-jobs relationship. Slashing trillions from the deficit will only depress spending for years to come, worsening unemployment and setting back economic growth.

The effort to balance the books that’s at the heart of the fiscal cliff is simply misguided. Instead of butting heads over whose taxes to raise and which programs to cut, lawmakers should be haggling over how to use the tool of a federal deficit to boost incomes, employment and growth. That’s the balancing act we need.

Stephanie Kelton is an associate professor of economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the founder and editor of New Economic Perspectives. She wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.

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Working for Green

In addition, to my usual 50-60 hr/week running my company I have started a new effort

GreenComm: it has two parts:

I’ve worked with enough local groups in the last few years, I found that we are each working in our local areas for much the same goals, and it’s past time (long past) for each local area to reinvent themselves by themselves, and not rely on major companies or big government to do all heavy lifting — neither has ever been good at innovating.

SO I found that the groups I worked with needed my technical skills, to carry their message, and as I work more on those projects, it became clear this is not a local issue for us,  other areas
have the same needs.  What Thrives Publishing is an effort to balance local and global, local events, efforts and groups, global resources, reference information and connections to larger efforts.

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Time does Fly

Not a lot to say the date speaks for itself – HS Graduation 1969 (the pdf)

hs grad-1

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‘Underemployment discussion misses boat of lack of economic development’

The recent story (and followup editorial) about Franklin county having higher underemployment, and lower average income, than the rest of the state, shows more about how statistics lead to mis-placed efforts of economic development then any real news. To start, let’s get clear about ‘facts’, yes, incomes are lower here, but so is the cost of living, a lot lower. What underemployment is really about is a long term lack of real economic development vision, not about what jobs there are or what they pay.  The hidden story in the numbers is about all those people who are not counted, and conversely, where the efforts of the developers of policy put their efforts.  All business development statistics clearly show that small business creates far more (and better) jobs than large businesses, including related franchised operations.  Yet, the valley economic developer focus (including our own town efforts) are about real estate and getting good press, and that means bigger business deals. Such deals take far longer to close, and produce fewer jobs, usually including tax incentives that rarely pay off, than efforts at small business development.  To really create more, better jobs in the area, look more toward efforts that support small and micro business, including the ‘Creative Cluster’ and so-called Hidden businesses, those you can’t find on a street sign, yet will fill the current vacant upper floors of buildings in town. (Disclaimer: I am a founding board member of Hidden-Tech, a 1000 member strong valley association that runs without dues, as well as CEO of a growing small business in Greenfield)

For those interested:  see

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Writing while traveling: Intro to Darwinian Culture

I am on sabbatical – well actually my wife is and I got to come along, you can see the story of our travels on her blog. I am going to use this travel time to write on a number of projects I have been exploring for years – outside my usual computer field.

This article is the start of an exploration of what I call (for want of better title): “Darwinian Culture“. In short, the idea is that various world cultures have developed along the same lines that Darwin has used to explain biological evolution. Some simple examples of this are the Jewish Kosher rules, and the treatment of water, eastern cultures make tea while western cultures make beer and wine. Clearly these are very simplistic examples, the essence is that these cultural approaches have evolved to address critical health issues, through a method that does not appear to be driven by purely intellectual decisions.
Now I am a trained engineer and scientist, but have not read much of the actual work of Darwin or commentaries, so I will start using Darwin’s theories as known by popular science rather than evolutionary biologists. As these writings develop, I hope to hone that understanding. Likewise, I will start by explain my ideas using examples that have not been scientifically verified – I will be doing so as I expand the work.

This is enough for now, more to come.

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