Rule by hypocracy: the republican way

Actually the proper term might be demagoguery, the constant repeating of statements based on a political philosophy without regard to facts,  which has now degenerated to a personality cult.  We see statements coming from Washington, and DT as to his landslide or knowing more then others, when in fact, he won by close to the smallest margin in history and lost by a significant popular vote.  Turn to Congress and ignoring of what might be significant treasonous acts, after spending millions to chase rumors and suppositions about Hillary, never proving anything;  Not acting on a legitimate nomination to the supreme court while not fixing issues with major legislation, claiming to replace it with something better, which we have yet to see, oh, coming in March (what year).    What do we see from the same gang, locally, the usual rant from various locals about how Democrats should give DT a chance, after 8 years of blocking Mr Obama, or even are now acting with treason.  Even a local who is trying with, what I believe is good, intent, Issac Mass, gets caught up in it, on one hand (the Eastern overlay zone), no survey is needed because he lives near and knows better (hum, heard that somewhere before) yet literally the next day, saying the library proposal provides too much community space, and a survey is needed.
I could go on, just read tomorrow’s news (or alt-news) —
About time to get back to ruling based on real, verifiable facts, and considered judgment.
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